Sunday, March 28, 2010

Surgery #2!!

Well as we all know, Makenna is still getting sick... A LOT!! This past week we took Makenna into the doctor for a cough and it turned out that she had bronchitis, strep throat and double ear infections. The doctor thought that one of her tubes had fallen out too. Luckily, that was not the case. However, both tubes are currently clogged up. We went to our ENT two days later to find out that both tubes would have to be replaced. After much thought he feels that we should also take out her adenoids. We agreed and scheduled the surgery for April 6th. This past week we went to our immunologist (I know... a lot of doctors for one kid!) for a follow up. He had great news to tell us. Makenna's immune system looks great! She has no allergies either. As our doctor said, "she just has a lot of bad luck!" He also feels that taking out her adenoids will help her out. Perhaps we will be able to keep her healthy for longer than 4 weeks at a time. (That is the longest our poor child had made it without going to the doctor!!) Keep your fingers crossed that this next surgery is a success!

Here is Makenna eating one of her favorite foods, ice cream! She will get to eat a lot of this after her next surgery! Liquids and soft foods for three days...

1 comment:

KurtandKellie said...

We are praying for poor little Makenna and for you two! My mom wanted me to let you know she will be praying, too. I hope that this surgery puts the illnesses to rest for good.